This multi-part collection is growing to include 6,000 transcripts of real therapy sessions, 44,000 pages of client narratives, and 25,000 pages of reference works in one cross-searchable interface. Together, these materials bring the therapeutic process to life and provide unprecedented levels of access to the broadest range of clients.
Designed to meet the needs of therapists-in-training, the collection shares firsthand the experience of assisting clients through a wide range of issues. It lets students witness in detail therapists’ treatment processes and assess their impact. Transcripts are provided by hundreds of practicing therapists worldwide and all adhere to the American Psychological Association’s Ethics Guidelines for use and anonymity, so users can rely on the information for its accuracy and diversity.
This collection also opens gateways for researchers to make reliable, real-life observations and draw empirical, data-driven conclusions. Scholars can use the collection to compare therapeutic methods, relate them back to client outcomes, examine language patterns across different types of psychotherapy, and explore countless other lines of inquiry with unprecedented accuracy.
At the present time, the series is being provided through two different web portals:
- Counseling and Psychotherapy Transcripts, Volume I contains more than 2,000 transcripts of actual therapy sessions, 44,000 pages of client narratives and 25,000 pages of major reference works. There are diaries, letters, autobiographies, oral histories, and personal memoirs along with the full text of therapy and counseling sessions themselves. All accounts are non-fiction, delivered in the first person and, where possible, contemporaneous.
- Counseling and Psychotherapy Transcripts, Volume II provides a deep look into the client-therapist office, allowing readers to follow the progress and setbacks of clients over the course of multiple therapy sessions. This collection features a diverse set of clients, a wide range of presenting issues, and multiple therapeutic approaches with some 4,000 new transcripts of actual therapy sessions. Because all content was recorded in 2012 or later, Volume II features contemporary issues and the most up-to-date therapeutic approaches to treat them.