PsycTESTS is a research database from the American Psychological Association that provides access to psychological tests, measures, scales, surveys, and other assessments as well as descriptive information about the test and its development and administration. The database currently includes over 20,000 records and over 15,000 instances of actual tests or test items.
PsycTESTS focuses primarily on unpublished tests, those developed by researchers but not made commercially available. Each citation record includes data on the scope of the test, test implementation, a high-level overview of the test's development, and reliability and validity data (when available), and most records include the actual test instrument. A permissions field alerts users to the tests they can use for research or teaching without formal permission. Other options include contacting the author and/or the publisher. The majority of tests in the database can be used without formal permission.
The database covers a wide range of subject areas and test types, including:
- Developmental Measures
- Scales for Beliefs, Relationships, or Expectancies
- Aggression, Coping, or Functional Status Questionnaires
- Racial and Ethnic Identity Scales
- Resilience, Anger Response, or Substance Abuse Inventories
- Physical Health Related Assessments
- Personality Assessments
- Educational Measures
- Neuropsychological Assessments
- Aptitude and Achievement Measures
- Competency Measures
- Occupational Measures
- Intelligence Tests
- Military Tests
A complete description of the database is available from the American Psychological Association and from EBSCO.
Please contact Richard Kearney ( or x 2165) if you have any questions about PsycTESTS.