Thursday, April 28, 2011

National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working Papers Now Available Online

The National Bureau of Economic Research is the nation's leading nonprofit economic research organization. Founded in 1920, the NBER is a private, nonpartisan organization dedicated to promoting a greater understanding of how the economy works. The NBER is committed to undertaking and disseminating unbiased economic research among public policymakers, business professionals, and the academic community. Eighteen of the 33 American Nobel Prize winners in Economics and six of the past Chairmen of the President's Council of Economic Advisers have been researchers at the NBER. The more than 1,000 professors of economics and business now teaching at colleges and universities in North America who are NBER researchers are the leading scholars in their fields. These Bureau associates concentrate on four types of empirical research: developing new statistical measurements, estimating quantitative models of economic behavior, assessing the economic effects of public policies, and projecting the effects of alternative policy proposals.

The Working Papers collection makes available online several thousand papers produced by NBER researchers from 1973 to the present. The full text of the papers is available in PDF format. Fifteen different subject-oriented groups produce the papers. The current working groups are organized around the following subject areas:

  • Behavioral Economics
  • Chinese Economy
  • Cohort Studies
  • Economics of Crime
  • Economics of National Security
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Household Finance
  • Insurance
  • Innovation Policy and the Economy
  • Market Design
  • Market Microstructures
  • Organizational Economics
  • Personnel Economics
  • Risks of Financial Institutions
  • Urban Economics

The Working Papers collection can be searched or browsed. Browse options include browsing by major NBER program, by Journal of Economic Literature subject classification, by NBER Working Group category, or by date of release. Students and faculty can also stay current with newly released papers by adding an RSS Feed for one or more NBER Programs to their feed readers. Bibliographic records for all of the papers (with links to the full text) will soon be available in the Cheng Library's catalog as well.

Please contact Richard Kearney (x 2165 / ) if you have any questions about the NBER Working Papers collection.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

ProQuest Digital Microfilm Brings Page Images to Your Desktop

The Cheng Library is pleased to announce that from 2011 it has replaced microfilm archiving of Barron's, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal with "digital microfilm" accessible through an online database. ProQuest Digital Microfilm offers high-quality, cover-to-cover page images from all three publications, including all graphics, advertisements and other features from the print editions. Although the database does not support searching of any kind, it can be used in conjunction with other databases that index Barron's, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal so you can obtain the citation information needed to view a specific page image. Our subscription to ProQuest Digital Microfilm currently provides the backfiles of Barron's, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal to January 2008.

Please contact Richard Kearney (x 2165 / ) if you have any questions about ProQuest Digital Microfilm.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Over 200 Education Journals from Routledge Available Through April 30

During the month of April, Routledge is offering free online access to all of its 228 journal titles in education. While the Cheng Library already offers access to severals of these journals through direct subscriptions and full-text databases, the additional titles will all be accessible through links in our databases during April. You can also browse all of the titles through Routledge's web portal.

Philosopher's Index Now Available through the CSA Illumina Search Platform

The Philosopher’s Index, published by the Philosopher’s Information Center, is now available through the Cheng Library on ProQuest's CSA Illumina search platform. The Philosopher’s Index is the most current and comprehensive bibliography of scholarly research in philosophy, containing more than 450,000 records drawn from over 680 journals, originating from more than 50 countries. The literature coverage dates back to 1940 and includes print and electronic journals, books, anthologies, contributions to anthologies, and book reviews.

Covering scholarly research in all major areas of philosophy, the Philosopher’s Index features informative, author-written abstracts. Through the CSA Illumina search interface, you can search on keywords, database subject terms, titles, authors, journal titles, and other criteria. Best of all, the previous single-user license has been replaced by an unlimited simultaneous user site license, which means no one will be denied access to the database because someone else is searching it at the same time.

Please contact Richard Kearney (x 2165) if you have any questions about online access to The Philosopher’s Index through the Cheng Library.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Good News for New York Times Readers: Today's Paper is Still Online for You at the Cheng Library

On March 28 the New York Times announced a new policy for readers who access the paper through its own web site. The new policy allows readers to access up to 20 news stories per month for free; beyond that number, readers will be required to pay for a digital subscription.

Did you know, however, that all of the news stories and editorials in each day's New York Times are available every morning through the Cheng Library's databases? Today's New York Times is available through both the ProQuest Central and Lexis-Nexis Academic databases, and we have created direct links to the Times on our database directory for your convenience.

There are differences in the way the paper's content is provided through each database. The ProQuest screen is better suited to browsing, while the Lexis-Nexis screen requires you to search for stories of interest, but both provide all of the news stories and editorials in each day's edition of the Times, plus a full-text backfile extending to June 1, 1980.

Here are some useful links you can bookmark to get to the Times each day:

Through ProQuest:

Through Lexis-Nexis:

Please contact Richard Kearney (x 2165) if you have any questions about online access to the New York Times through the Cheng Library.