Friday, January 29, 2016

American Council of Learned Societies Humanities E-Book Collection Offers Over 4,600 Titles Online

The Cheng Library is pleased to announce the acquisition of a major new electronic resource this semester. The American Council of Learned Societies Humanities E-Book Collection contains over 4,600 full-text, cross-searchable books in the humanities and social sciences selected by scholars for their continuing importance for research and teaching. The collection includes titles from over 100 publishers of scholarly and academic books and covers a wide variety of humanities and social science disciplines. Among the subjects covered are: archaeology, art, Biblical studies, environmental studies, film and media studies, folklore, hip-hop studies, history, Jewish studies, law, LGBT/Queer studies, linguistics, literature and literary criticism, medicine, musicology, performance studies, philosophy, political science, religion, science/technology, sociology, and women’s studies. A complete title list (in Excel format) is available here.

The collection can be browsed by author, title, and subject. Full-text and bibliographic searching is also supported. The database provides page images for online reading as well as plain text, and 10-page excerpts can also be downloaded in PDF format. Brief videos illustrating How to Search the Humanities E-Book Collection and How to Navigate a Book in the collection are available to get you oriented quickly.

Bibliographic records for all of the books in the collection are available in the Cheng Library catalog and in ChengFind, providing multiple points of access to individual titles, and URLs are available to create links to individual titles in Blackboard for reading and research assignments.

We encourage you to try this collection and to consider incorporating it into your courses as appropriate. Please contact Richard Kearney (email or 973-720-2165) if you have questions or need more information about the American Council of Learned Societies Humanities E-Book Collection.

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