- over 18,000 peer-reviewed journals
- over 400 trade publications
- over 300 book series
- over 4.6 million conference papers from proceedings and journals
- over 24 million patent records from five patent offices
- articles in press from over 3,800 journals
- and over 350 million scientific web pages indexed through the Scirus search engine.
Links to full-text resources are provided where available. Records for materials published from 1996 to the present include cited references, and Scopus supports citation tracking across this time period, along with other tools enabling students and faculty to track, analyze and visualize research. For example, authors can be evaluated according to documents published, the h-index measure of impact, and citations across time. Scopus' Journal Analyzer offers users six criteria - measuring prestige, citation impact, total citations, documents published per year, percent of documents not cited, and percent of published documents that are review articles - to enable the comparative assessment of journals.
Scopus also provides personal accounts that can used to create alerts for user-defined search criteria, document citations, and author citations. Personal accounts can also be used to create and store result lists built from searches.
On October 11 at 3:30 pm the Cheng Library will be offering a training workshop on using Scopus, but there is no need to wait until then to begin exploring and learning more about the database! There are several online training tutorials (requiring the latest version of the free Adobe® Flash® Player) available for anyone to use, as well as a paper format Quick Reference Guide (8 pages, PDF format) and a more detailed User Guide (24 pages, PDF format). Give Scopus a try, let us know what you think, and please contact Richard Kearney (x 2165 / kearneyr at wpunj dot edu) if you have any questions or would like to set up a training session for your class.